Saturday, June 16, 2007

Man's position in Buddhism (according to Ven. K Sri Dhammananda)

Man gives laws to nature:

Law in the scientific sense is essentially a product of the human mind and has no meaning apart from man. There is more meaning in the statement that man gives law to nature than in its converse that nature gives laws to man. ~ Prof. Karl Pearson

Man is not ready made:

Man today is the result of millions of repetitions of thoughts and acts. He is not ready made; he becomes, and is still becoming. His character is predetermined by his own choice, the thought, the act, which he chooses, that by habit, he becomes. ~Venerable Piyadassi

The more I seek and look and begin to truely see, wisdom arises in me thus: Love Is. Seems to me this is the only possible sentence, and the Is may be superfluous.

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