Monday, May 21, 2007

Insight from Video Google

You can't fight your way out of your solitude and you can't find anyone to love you more than you love yourself. That's the ego's search--desperately clinging to past and future (because it can't exist in the pure present moment), desperately longing for fullfillment from the outside and fostering an illusion of lack within, pushing away anything that might be anywhere close to fullfillment because true fulfillment would be egoic death. Read any Eckhart Tolle? Stillness Speaks, The Power of Now, or A New Earth? He gets it. And David Hoffmeister just changed my whole perspective on spiritual practice--he got enlightened working The Course in Miracles and now travels the world teaching love, well...teaching how to remove the obstacles we have put up against love, since love is inherant and can't be taught. I highly recommend checking him out on Video Google. I'm still going to continue under ordination with the vipassana meditation as long as my heart says it's right, but I'm definitely going to talk to my teacher about why Theravadans teach us to strive for enlightenment by inclining the mind toards seeing the loathsomeness of the body and the terrestrial experience and the inherrent suffering from the attachments our ignorance (aka egos) create, instead of just looking directly at the complete falseness of the whole dualistic system and letting it all drop! The body and this life are no more inherantly pain than they are inherantly pleasure...both are false! The chaos we think we live in arises from perfect stillness and that stillness is space and God (universal Kosmic Konsciousness/Nibbana...) and God is love and there's nothing else. We are here to experience. You can drop the misery at anytime. You can fit anywhere if you choose to. You don't have to make ammends to anyone. Love is free! The more you give away unconditionally, the more love will come back to you. This I Know is Truth. My heart says so.

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